Build environment for OpenIndiana

This was originally posted on blogger here.

Just a quick post - I wanted to build few things like Nagios NRPE, few Perl modules with C bindings etc. So I needed to install toolchain, compiler (rather Sun Studio than gcc) etc.

The easy way is:

pkg install SUNWcvs SUNWsvn SUNWarc SUNWj6dmo SUNWj6dev SUNWj6dmx SUNWj6dvx \
SUNWj6cfg SUNWj6rtx SUNWj6man SUNWgnu-automake-19 SUNWgnu-automake-110 SUNWaconf \
SUNWmercurial SUNWlibtool ss-dev SUNWsfwhea SUNWhea SUNWxwinc SUNWxorg-headers \
SUNWi2cs SUNWgpch SUNWgnome-common-devel SUNWgmake SUNWbison SUNWflexlex

pkg install SUNWcvs SUNWsvn SUNWarc SUNWj6dmo SUNWj6dev SUNWj6dmx SUNWj6dvx \
SUNWj6cfg SUNWj6rtx SUNWj6man SUNWgnu-automake-19 SUNWgnu-automake-110 SUNWaconf \
SUNWmercurial SUNWlibtool ss-dev SUNWsfwhea SUNWhea SUNWxorg-headers SUNWi2cs \
SUNWgpch SUNWgnome-common-devel SUNWgmake SUNWbison SUNWflexlex

pkg install developer/sunstudio12u1